
Save energy by using our airtight duct seal

Did you know? That a lot of energy is lost in a home if a roof duct is not properly finished? You can prevent this by using an Airtight duct seal. This saves the customer a lot of energy costs and a number of other benefits.

Airtight duct seal

Many things to consider is that draft and cold air from the outside is not always noticed at the top near the cracks, this is different from a letterbox. With a roof duct, it is the warm air that tries to escape outside, this means that a lot of energy can be lost unnecessarily in a home. An additional problem is that the warm air outside passes through the cold pipe. This causes condensation to form and water to flow back into your roof structure. This can cause mould to form or even damage the structure of the roof in the long term. In the past, the cracks at the roof penetration were often closed with metal gusset plates, a cheaper option, but it does not ensure that the roof duct is truly airtight.

Energy saving

It is best to choose a screw fix airtight terminal because you put an end to the uncontrolled airflow, saving you energy. The ACH50 (airtightness requirement for the UK) of the home is improved. Not only in new construction, but there is still plenty of profit to be made from renovation. The customer often insulates the entire attic to save energy, but the roof duct is sometimes forgotten which is a missed opportunity! It is difficult to say how much can be saved by using a cuff. That also depends on the size of the cracks. But you know how it goes with warm air; it always goes to the highest point in the house. Therefore, make sure that the warm air does not simply escape.


Ubbink stands for quality. We therefore opted for high-quality EPDM for the black middle part of the cuff. This flexible plastic ensures a perfect fit around the pipe. After all, it cannot be the intention that the cuff still cracks slightly. Airtight is airtight, now and after many years of installation! Also, with a cuff you ensure that the roof duct is nicely finished on the inside. So that as an installer and contractor you deliver a top quality and aesthetically pleasing product to the customer.

Ventilation, total solution

Complete your system

Discover our total solutions!

We offer comprehensive solutions for residential ventilation, a unique specialty we take great pride in!

A complete Ubbink ventilation system comprises five components, from the ventilation unit to the finishing valve:

  1. Ubiflux heat recovery units: Extremely compact ventilation units for wall or ceiling installation.
  2. Air Excellent air distribution system: Flexible and modular.
  3. Aerfoam insulated pipe system.
  4. Roof terminals: Suitable for flat and sloping roofs, both insulated and non-insulated.
  5. Haelix supply and discharge valves: Available in round and square designs.

From our unique position, we provide quick, accurate, and reliable advice on our ventilation systems, all from the comfort of your home.